Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance Working Group

The goal is to advance environmental, social, and corporate governance global thinking and planning. The team actively supports the transition to new sustainable business models.

Automation and Digital Transformation Working Group

The group focuses on the development, research and application of automation in business. The cross-functional and market-leading team has the expertise and appetite to provide innovative solutions to complex problems.

International CFO Alliance International Tax Working Group

The Working Group liaises on tax matters that enhance economic growth and promote investments, as well as important tax issues that affect international businesses

For more information about the Working Groups, contact David Wray

The International CFO Alliance (ICFOA) is a non-profit organization, classified as an “1901 association law“ entity, and is officially registered in France. It was established as a legal entity in 2023 and is recognized by the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA). This status underscores our commitment to operating as a non-profit, dedicated to serving the interests of our members and the CFO profession globally.

Office for correspondence:

13 Rue Paul Valéry, 75116 Paris, France
Telephone: +27(0)12 643 1800

Email: office@icfoa.org

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