Our Structure

The presidents, chairpersons or CEOs of participating CFO Organizations forms the leadership of the International CFO Alliance and sets the annual agenda.

Our Leadership Team:

DFCG (France)

Emannuel Millard


COGEREF (Tunisia)

Meriam Ben Boubaker

Vice President 1

ANDAF (Italy)

Agostino Scornajenchi

Vice President 2

CIBA (South Africa)

Pieter De Jager

Executive Chair&General Secretary

IMEF (Mexico)

Angel Gacia-Lascurain


Our Board Members:

AMCF (Morocco)

Anass Radi

ANDAF (Italy)

Ricardo Baraldi

ASSET (Spain

Luis Calaf

CIBA (South Africa

Nicolaas van Wyk

Club des Financiers du


Nord Maroc (Morocco)

Saloua Lamjahdi

COGEREF (Tunisia)

Ridha Abdelmoula

DFCG (France)

David Wray



Deutschland e.V. (Germany)

Helmut Schnabel

HIFM (EOIA) (Greece)

Anastassios Rodopoulos

IMEF (Mexico)

Jose Antonio Quesada

PAFE (Portugal)

Pascal Ballayer

Several groups from UEMOA West Africa

Jean-Claude Drouhyai-YOA

The Secretariat Workgroup:

The leadership appoints a volunteer Secretariat Workgroup tasked with organizing the activities of the ICFOA. The Secretariat Workgroup co-ordinates the ICFOA Technical Workgroups consisting of an individual members allocated by the participating CFO associations. The workgroups elect their own chairperson responsible to plan, convene, administer, and report on their activities.

Reports and submissions are presented by the workgroup chairperson to the leadership of the CFO Alliance for review and approval, prior to issuing a public communication.

DFCG (France)

David Wray


CIBA (South Africa)

Nicolaas van Wyk
