Empowering Global Finance: The mission of ICFOA

South Africa, June 12, 2023 

The International CFO Alliance (ICFOA), a newly formed alliance of professional executive finance associations and institutes representing Chief Financial Officers (CFO) from around the world, held its inaugural board meeting at the LAICO Avenue Mohamed V Hotel, Tunis, on June 9th, 2023. The meeting focused on strategizing initiatives for the global standardization. 

Twelve (12) professional associations representing eighteen (18) countries in Africa, North America and Europe signed the founding charter to establish the “International CFO Alliance”. 

The elected executive committee is composed of France (Presidency) represented by Emmanuel MILLARD, President of the DFCG, Tunisia (Vice-Presidency) represented by Meriam BEN BOUBAKER, Vice-President of COGEREF, Italy (Vice-Presidency) represented by Agostino SCORNAJENCHI, President of ANDAF, South Africa (Executive Chair & Secretary General) represented by Pieter de JAGER, Chairman of CIBA and Mexico (Treasurer) represented by Angel GARCIA-LASCURAIN, President of the Advisory Council of the IMEF. 

ICFOA’s President, Emmanual Millard (DFCG, France), said:

“Our diverse board combines a rich array of perspectives, expertise, and experience, enabling us to address the complexities of global executive financial management. The spirit of diversity, inclusivity and collaboration is deeply infused in our strategic plan.” 

One key element of the strategic plan is the introduction of a global CFO Certification. This certification aims to establish a standardized competency framework to bolster the credibility and authority of CFOs in the international financial sector.

Pieter de Jager, ICFOA’s Executive Chairman and General Secretary (CIBA, South Africa), elaborated,

“The CFO Certification creates a global benchmark for CFO competencies. This resonates across borders, ensuring that CFOs align their skills with internationally recognized standards. The certification will also provide continuous professional development opportunities for finance executives, ensuring they stay abreast with the evolving financial landscape.” 

ICFOA’s strategic plan also includes international collaboration, supporting the benefits of evolvement in the technology and digitization space, and active involvement of its member bodies through executive committee meetings and technical working groups. The alliance further recognizes the strategic significance of partnerships and sponsorships to support its initiatives, which include hosting annual global events in partnership with its international member bodies. CFO Alliance is a collaborative network of CFO Associations with the objectives to: 

    • Foster closer co-operation between participating organizations within the CFO Alliance; 

    • Maintain International CFO Work Groups on 1) Climate and Sustainability Reporting, 2) Automation and Digital Transformation, 3) International Tax, and 4) CFO Certification; 

    • Collect and represent the views of CFO Associations on issues impacting the CFO community, to international standard setting organizations and authoritative policy making bodies, such as the G20, the Financial Stability Board, the World Bank, World Economic Forum, IFAC, and the IFRS Foundation; 

    • Host an annual CFO Alliance leadership meeting, and CFO Alliance Summit to set an annual work plan and receive feedback on previous year developments; 

    • Share best practice in CFO association management; 

    • Share local news and events from participating CFO Associations. 

Our mission is to develop a collaborative network of CFO Associations that can serve as a collective voice on matters of mutual interest and concern, and in this way contribute to the efficiency of financial markets around the world. 

Our work serves the public interest by fostering a culture of co-operation, sharing of ideas, and contribution to solving global issues affecting the CFO profession. 

About the International CFO Alliance (ICFOA) 

ICFOA is an international alliance of professional executive finance associations and institutes aiming to represent, promote, and advance the CFO profession worldwide. It connects CFOs from diverse cultures, countries, and sectors to foster international collaboration, shared learning, and address global technical issues affecting the CFO profession. 

Office bearers:

    • Mr. Emmanual Millard, President, DFCG, France 
    • Mr. Pieter de Jager, Executive Chairman & General Secretary, CIBA, South Africa 
    • Ms. Meriam Ben Boubaker, Vice President, COGEREF, Tunisia 
    • Mr. Agostino Scornajenchi, Vice President, ANDAF, Italy 
    • Mr. Angel Garcia-Lascurain, Treasurer, IMEF, Mexico 

Board of Directors: 

    • Mr. David Wray, Board Member, DFCG, France 
    • Mr. Nicolaas van Wyk, Board Member, CIBA, South Africa 
    • Mr. Riccardo Baraldi, Board Member, ANDAF, Italy 
    • Ms. Saloua Lamjahdi, Board Member, Club du Fin Nord, Morocco 
    • Mr. Anass Radi, Board Member, AMCF, Morocco 
    • Mr. Helmut Schnabel, Board Member, GEFIU, Germany 
    • Mr. Pascal Ballayer, Board Member, PAFE, Portugal 
    • Mr. Ridha Abdelmoula, Board Member, COGEREF, Tunisia 
    • Mr. Luis Calaf, Board Member, ASSET, Spain 
    • Mr. Anastasios Rodopoulos, Board Member, EOAI, Greece 
    • Mr. Jean-Claude Yoa, Board Member, AP-FCG/UEMOA, Burkina Faso 

Member countries include: 

    • Chartered Institute for Business Accountants – CIBA (South Africa), 
    • Association Marocaine des Consolideurs Financiers – AMCF (Morocco), 
    • Associazione Nazionale Direttori Amministrativi e Finanziari – ANDAF (Italy), 
    • Asociación Española de Financieros de Empresa – ASSET (Spain), 
    • Club des Financiers du Nord Maroc (Morocco), 
    • Association Tunisienne des Contrôleurs de Gestion et des Responsables Financiers – COGEREF (Tunisia), 
    • Association des Directeurs Financiers et de Contrôle de Gestion – DFCG (France), 
    • Association of Chief Financial Officers Germany – GEFIU now CFO Forum Deutschland e.V. (Germany), 
    • Instituto Mexicano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas – IMEF (Mexico), 
    • Portuguese Association of Financial Executives – PAFE (Portugal), 
    • Hellenic Association of Chief Financial Officers – SEODI (Greece), and 
    • Several groups from UEMOA West Africa. 

For more information, please visit https://www.linkedin.com/company/international-cfo-alliance/  or contact info@icfoa.org  

Press Contact: 
Pieter de Jager 
+27(0)83 5000 522

The International CFO Alliance (ICFOA) is a non-profit organization, classified as an “1901 association law“ entity, and is officially registered in France. It was established as a legal entity in 2023 and is recognized by the Directorate of Legal and Administrative Information (DILA). This status underscores our commitment to operating as a non-profit, dedicated to serving the interests of our members and the CFO profession globally.

Office for correspondence:

13 Rue Paul Valéry, 75116 Paris, France
Telephone: +27(0)12 643 1800

Email: office@icfoa.org

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